Peter’s Icy Road Report from Somewhere Near Fairfield

We had a great show at the Helsinki club in Hudson, NY, Friday night. That town is just eat up with quaint. We got to our motel only to find that we were staying in a town called Coxsackie. It’s pronounced exactly like you would imagine–great hilarity ensued. Saturday was a nice, easy drive until it started snowing. Our three hour jaunt became a six hour, white knuckle terror ride. When we got to Fairfield, Connecticut, we discovered six inches of snow, with a firm undercoating of ice–seventeen degrees. Needless to say, I went for a walk….more of a slide actually. Fairfield was very quaint also. I guess they have a lot of that stuff up here. The Minus Five and Alejandro completely committed the rock music to the intense satisfaction of the brave souls who ventured out. In the photo below, I can be seen instructing Scott on the finer points of airborne snow dispersal or I may be indicating which direction my career disappeared to. Onward to Philadelphia! Peter