Postcard from College Square, Athens GA

Having seen Big Star THIRD a few times now, I can safely say it has probably never been performed more brilliantly than Saturday night in downtown Athens. The whole night was transcendent with more than two hours of music, dozens of musicians (spanning about 5 decades of age and experience) and thousands of appreciative Athens friends taking in this timeless music from long ago and not so far away. It was truly townie heaven. And of special interest to R.E.M. fans and friends, here is JESUS CHRIST sung by Mike Mills, backed up by singers Thayer Sarrano of Athens and Skylar Gudasz and Brett Harris of Durham, along with Bill Berry and Ken Stringfellow among others. Check it out … And thank you Mr Chris Stamey, Jody Stephens and the people at UGA Willson Center for such a gift of music to our fair town.
